90% of startups fail.
Don't let it be you.

Let us help
Green Hero Crystal

A hard truth

90% of projects fail. No one thinks it will be them, and because of this, founders often seek help too late to avoid destruction. Optimism is the best start, but realism is the winning move. With the right advice at the right time, failure can be a choice, not a fact. The best time for advice was yesterday, the next best time is today.

You can relax

Our mission in creating A1 Advisory is to rebalance the inherent unfairness of startup life and fundraising. Traditionally, the best help was only available to the 1% of highly funded startups. Now with A1, that help is here for the other 99%.

Let us helpContact Crystal Image

What do you want most?


We have the lowest pricepoints in the industry for help provided, and there's an option for everyone.


We'll come to you every day for whatever you need, whether it's quick questions or an involved discussion.


We'll motivate you, support you, keep you accountable, and make sure your journey is an adventure you'll remember.


We've been on the same journey as you, and have learnt from our past mistakes so you don't have to.

About Blue Image Crystal

Where are you now?


We'll help build your core business & revenue models, optimise you for investment, & help launch your campaigns


Funding's in, but now what? We'll help you scale, reach your revenue goals, & prep you for the larger rounds.

Crisis Management

Not able to reach revenue or investment goals? We'll help fix all issues with your model and campaign, and pivot if necessary.

Roadmap Blue Crystal Image

Nailed these?
Then you don't need us

Business strategy

What's the most important and overlooked area? Context. Having someone take a step back and ensure you're always going in the right direction is the most useful thing any startup can do.

Product & revenue

Your product needs to be something people actually want, and your revenue model must be sustainable and scalable. We'll help you craft both of these into solid models that can scale.

Investment campaign

VCs have their own language. We'll help you craft your deck, pitch, and outreach campaign with investors in mind, and will keep you accountable with targets, pivoting where needed.

User growth

Creating something users want to flock to is essential. We'll help you build out your userbase with partnership plans, PR activities, content strategy, and explore all possible funnels for onboarding.

But if you do, we've got your back

Jowan Dawes

CEO, 6X Founder in Web3, Media, Investor Relations & Forex

I'm Jowan, a serial web3 entrepreneur on a mission to change the world for the better. Education and mental health are my passions. I've had a lot of success and a lot of failure, and through this have witnessed firsthand what makes a startup sink or swim. I believe that through a deep contextual understanding of a startup's 100s of data points, you can map out every possible future scenario, and find an exact route from A to B to achieve whatever you desire.

Benjamin Gellie

COO, 6X Founder in Gaming, NFTs, Daos & Digital Governance

I’m Benjamin, a tech-startup founder and urban enthusiast. My journey has been fuelled by my unwavering passion for using tech for the greater good, and I'm fortunate enough to pursue this mission in both Europe and South Africa. My areas of focus have taken me through the fascinating realms of Civic Tech, Digital Governance, DAOs, Blockchain, the Metaverse, and AI. I dive deep into innovative solutions to challenges at an organisational, city and national level.

Alex Malone

Co-Founder, Relationship Officer,
Multiple Founder in Staking Rewards & Creative Tokens

I'm Alex, multiple web3 co-founder. The two things that excite me most about this industry are creating disruptive ideas, and bringing the best and brightest together in one place to execute those ideas. (Think 'The Avengers' of the business world). A combination of high ideals and huge vision, both underpinned by daily pragmatic action, can open many doors and make incredible things happen. I'm delighted to be able to help companies do this through A1.

We'll give you simple solutions to complex problems

Do 90% of startups fail?
Why aren't I getting investment?
Do I have blind spots with my project?
I have a small budget, can you help?
Is it too late to save my project?
We have investment... now what?
No one wants our product, what can I do?
Can you help us with... everything?

Winning is more likely together

Well-meaning founders risk their company, their career, and their team's wellbeing by going it alone without help, when even the simplest piece of advice can get a project aligned to win. History shows that 9 times out of 10, going it alone just doesn't work out.

So, as our CTA button says below: let us help you achieve your mission.